Certifed Appium Professional - Gurgaon

Wednesday, 31 August 2022

Item details

City: Gurgaon, Haryana
Offer type: Offer
Price: Rs 19,999


Phone 7525875111

Item description

Appium is an open-source to automate applications in mobile phones. It automates native, hybrid and web application testing on iOS and Android platforms. It works with various programming languages .That have Selenium user libraries like Java, C#, Python, PHP, JavaScript, Ruby, etc.

Key Features
25 hours of practical oriented training cum workshop
Each session followed with exercise and Project Work
Certification Guidance
Industry specific project implementation
Flexible Schedule
Doubt Clearing and Technical Support
Who should take Mobile Automation Using Appium Course?
QA Engineers
Software Testers
Web Automation Testers having knowledge of Selenium WebDriver
Any software engineer who are interested in Mobile Technologies
Basics of Programming
Knowledge of Selenium